SOLVED! The Driver Detected An Internal Drive Error On \Device\VBoxNetLwf

If you come across “The driver detected an internal driver error on \Device\VBoxNetLwf” in  Event Viewer, corruption is usually at fault and the best fix is to run an SFC scan. Aside from that, you should update the driver of VirtualBox as well as display adapter, disable hardware virtualization, delete VirtualBox folder, etc. Spare a bit of your time to check out this article and learn what must be done.

Actions To Take

Run SFC Scan

  • Step 1: Open the command prompt as an administrator.
  • Step 2: Type sfc /scannow and press Enter to start the scan. Note that you shouldn’t close the window until the verification is at 100% completion.

Once done, you may get one of the messages down below:

  • Message 1: “Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations” – you have no corrupted or missing files.
  • Message 2: “Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them” – any error is now taken care of.
  • Message 2: “Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation” – your PC has issues under the hood. To resolve this situation, start your PC in safe mode. Also, check the %WinDir%\WinSxS\Temp folder to ensure that PendingRenames and PendingDeletes folders exist before you repeat the procedure.

Update VirtualBox Driver

Since vboxnetlwf is an Oracle product, visit the official page and download the latest version of the driver here. Once downloaded, run the installer and update VirtualBox.

Update Display Driver

  • Step 1: Go to Search bar, type Device Manager and hit Enter.
  • Step 2: Expand Display Adapter, right-click your graphics card and pick Update Driver
  • Step 3: Hir Search automatically for updated driver software then follow the prompts. 
  • Step 4: After the update finishes, restart your computer. 

If the above steps don’t work, visit the website of the manufacturer of your graphics card and download the driver from there. 

Disable Hardware Virtualization

  • Step 1: Restart your computer and boot into BIOS. To do so, as your PC turns on, press DEL, F1, F2, F12, or F10.
  • Step 2: Once you’re in BIOS, navigate to Security, and under System Security, disable Virtualization Technology
  • Step 3: Save the setting then exit and restart your PC. 

Delete VirtualBox Folder

  • Step 1: Open the My PC folder and navigate to the current user.
  • Step 2: Show the hidden items and right-click the VirtualBox folder.
  • Step 3: Hit Delete and clean the trash.

Disable Antivirus Program

  • Step 1: Open Windows Defender
  • Step 2: Navigate to the real-time system protection setting and turn it off.
  • Step 3: Restart your PC and see how things turn on.

Turn Off Fast Startup 

  • Step 1: Go to Search bar, type Power Options and hit Enter. 
  • Step 2: Look to the left and click Choose what the power buttons do.
  • Step 3: Uncheck the box next to Turn on fast startup (recommended).
  • Step 4: Hit Save changes.

What Is \Device\VBoxNetLwf?

vboxnetlwf.sys is known as VirtualBox and it comes from Oracle. In use, VirtualBox enables your PC to:

  • Run multiple operating systems at the same time.
  • Install an operating system even if your hardware doesn’t support it.
  • Install software quickly without having to worry about compatibility issues.

In a nutshell, VirtualBox permits hardware virtualization that shows PCs how to handle more than on OS. If your PC allows you to tweak hardware virtualization settings, you can apply changes via BIOS or UEFI.

How Do I Address Driver Update Errors?

  • Use the device manager to update drivers.
  • Reinstall the problematic drivers.
  • Run Windows troubleshooter whenever you run into an error.
  • Use your favorite antivirus to run a deep scan.
  • Update to the latest Windows version.

What Happens If I Ignore “The Driver Detected An Internal Drive Error On \Device\VBoxNetLwf”?

  • You will get random command prompt pop-ups.
  • PC performance is going to suffer.
  • Your ICC profiles may disappear after rebooting.
  • It’s possible that your PC may rev full speed during startup which is not good.


  • Secure a stable Internet connection for your computer. By doing so, you could the operating system as well as  drivers up to date.
  • If you experience driver issues, look for third-party apps like System Mechanic Ultimate Defense and FixWin for Windows 10
  • You want to tweak the hardware visualization settings? Then proceed with caution. If you mess up as you change BIOS-related settings, you may be locked out of the operating system
  • In times of need, send a bug report to VirtualBox. Use this link to access the report template on the official platform. Of course, remember to give a detailed description of the problem.

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